In accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct of Human Research, the Departments of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs Human Research Ethics Committee (DDVA HREC) monitors all approved research to verify that the research is being conducted in accordance with the approved application and any subsequent amendments.

Further details on monitoring requirements can be found in the DDVA HREC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

DDVA HREC Standard Operating Procedures (PDF, 413.36 KB)

Progress reports

Progress reports are to be submitted for the lifespan of the project using the template provided. Further information on the required frequency of reports can be found in the SOP.

Progress report template (DOCX, 57.17 KB)

Amendments and extensions

The Principal Investigator must seek ethical approval of amendments to approved applications prior to their implementation using the template provided.

Ethical approval is valid for up to 5 years. Extension requests can be made using the template below or through a progress report submitted in the period prior to the expiration of ethics approval.

Amendment form (DOCX, 46.81 KB)

Adverse and serious adverse events

DDVA HREC must be notified of:

  • adverse events within 30 days
  • serious adverse events within 72 hours.

Adverse and serious adverse events report template (DOCX, 51.11 KB)

Deviation report

DDVA HREC is to be notified of protocol deviations by the Principal Investigator.

Deviation report template (DOCX, 45.95 KB)

Final reports

On completion or abandonment of research, a final report must be sent to DDVA HREC.

Research Project Final Report (DOCX, 44.8 KB)