Noise and Flight Path Monitoring Systems
Noise and Flight Path Monitoring Systems (NFPMS) are used to monitor aircraft noise associated with military operations and training at Defence air bases.
NFPMS data is collated and presented in monthly reports:
RAAF Base Amberley NFPMS - October 2024 (PDF, 151.73 KB)
RAAF Base Darwin NFPMS - October 2024 (PDF, 138.97 KB)
RAAF Base Tindal NFPMS - October 2024 (PDF, 145.9 KB)
RAAF Base Townsville NFPMS - October 2024 (PDF, 153.95 KB)
RAAF Base Williamtown NFPMS - October 2024 (PDF, 171.8 KB)
NFPMS monthly reports prior to the current month can be requested via the Aircraft noise enquiry and complaint form.
Australian Noise Exposure Forecast maps
Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) maps provide the best land use planning information about aircraft noise exposure. The maps include a noise forecast for a particular year and location, produced by both civilian and military aircraft.
Defence ANEF maps include noise modelling for the introduction of new jet fighters and the retirement of old aircraft and are used to advise councils and the community that locations will be affected by aircraft noise.
The results of ANEF modelling are drawn onto maps as noise exposure contours displayed in 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 ANEF units. ANEF units are not decibel measurements – they are a reflection of cumulative amounts of aircraft noise over an average one-year period.
Environmental compliance
Defence operates F-35A aircraft and Australian Super Hornets under environmental conditions of approval that include noise.
Documents related to the conditions of approval are available via the following page links:
- 2010/5747 Flying operations of F-35A aircraft
- 2008/4410 Australian Super Hornet flying operations.