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- Office for Defence Industry Support
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The Defence Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Program is a Defence-wide priority and a key part of the Defence transformation agenda.
ERP will enable Defence to better adapt and evolve to meet strategic challenges, and Defence Industry play a key role in ensuring the transition to ERP is successful. The following video demonstrates the commitment from Defence senior leaders in delivering ERP in Defence.
ERP is introducing the latest SAP solution (SAP S/4HANA) which will be delivered over a number of years, in a series of phases called 'tranches'.
The Defence ERP solution seeks to:
Business operation changes will have varying affects on Defence personnel and Defence Industry.
Defence is committed to ensuring industry is informed and involved in the transformation in order to enhance enterprise capability.
The key changes for Defence Industry as a result of Tranche 1B Main include:
ERP provides improved quality of real-time data, making it easier for industry to make better informed decisions and support Defence capability.
The introduction of the SAP Business Network for Procurement provides near real-time status updates – facilitating greater efficiency, visibility and transparency for materials management across the order cycle.
ERP will introduce SAP S/4HANA defence and security software to drive alignment and standardisation across Defence, making it simpler for industry to engage with Defence and support capability across different areas.
ERP replaces ageing and disparate systems, simplifying tools and processes used by both Defence and many of Defence’s industry partners.
Each tranche includes a design, realisation, deployment and Go Live phase and are scheduled to Go Live in a staggered approach.
Training will be provided to industry partners with minimum baseline clearance and Defence login credentials, guided by any contractual obligations. This will help prepare industry partners for the new ERP solution and ways of working.
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