The Defence Support Services (DSS) Panel (SON3485107) has been established to facilitate the acquisition and sustainment of Defence’s air, joint, land and maritime capital equipment and systems.
The DSS Panel operates under standing offer notice SON3485107 across 79 skill sets at 5 skill levels aligned to the following 6 categories of requirements:
- program management services
- engineering and technical services
- materiel logistics services
- commercial services
- corporate performance services
- authoring and writing services.
DSS Panel induction briefing (PDF, 1.58 MB)
The DSS Panel has been established under a common deed of standing offer entered into between the Commonwealth and each of the service providers.
DSS Panel deed of standing offer (PDF, 703.28 KB)
Information on contracts entered into through the DSS Panel is publicly available through AusTender's reporting functions.
Other Commonwealth entities
The DSS Panel Deed of Standing Offer allows all non-corporate Commonwealth entities to utilise the DSS Panel. There are no fees or additional agreements required from other Commonwealth entities.
To issue a request for quotation and tasking statement via the DSS Panel email
Service providers
There are currently no opportunities to tender for inclusion on the DSS Panel.
Future opportunities will be advertised through AusTender. Businesses can register with AusTender to receive Defence approach to market notices.
General enquires and feedback
Future approaches to market