Infrastructure projects

Infrastructure and estate projects maximise the potential of Defence managed areas to ensure ongoing capability, training, and support facilities.

Under the Public Works Committee Act 1969 all major capital works projects delivered by the Commonwealth require Parliamentary referral and/or approval via the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. The committee holds enquiries and investigations on the outcome for future capital works.

Below are current Defence infrastructure and redevelopment projects.

Project name Location
Facilities to Support Advanced Growler Phase 6 Multiple
Facilities to Support Improved Embarked Logistics Support Helicopter Multiple
Facilities to support Long Range Fires Multiple
Kapooka Redevelopment Project - Blamey Barracks Multiple
National Airfields Capital Works - Northern Territory Multiple
National Airfields Capital Works - QLD, NSW, and WA Multiple
National Airfields Capital Works - Western Australia Multiple
Navy Capability Infrastructure Sub-Program Multiple
Riverina Redevelopment Program Multiple
Submarine Rotational Force – West Infrastructure Project Multiple
Australian Defence Force Academy Living-In Accommodation  Campbell, ACT
Guided Weapons Explosive Ordnance Storage Program Claremont Meadows, NSW
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Airfield Upgrade Cocos (Keeling) Islands, WA
Facilities to Support Naval Operations in the North Darwin, NT
Facilities to support Short Range Ground Based Air Defence Edinburgh, SA
Stage Two of the Garden Island Recovery Program Garden Island, NSW
Robertson Barracks Base Improvements Holzte, NT
RAAF Base Learmonth Redevelopment Learmonth, WA
Explosive Ordnance Facilities Northern NSW Redevelopment Mulgoa, NSW
Demolition of Structures RAAF Base Point Cook, VIC
HMAS Watson Redevelopment South Head, NSW
Army Aviation Program of Works Townsville, QLD
National Airfields Capital Works - Queensland Townsville, QLD