Ceremonial support

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) can provide ceremonial support for official and commemorative events run by the Government and the wider Australian and veteran communities.

Ceremonial support can be provided by local ADF teams in each state or territory. Each year the ADF receive hundreds of requests for ceremonial support for events held in communities around Australia. Availability will vary depending on training and operations at the time of the event.

Refer to Guidance for ceremonial support requests page prior to submitting a request.

Provision of support is prioritised in the following manner.

  1. National days of significance: These include Australia Day, Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.
  2. Regal, Vice Regal and Heads of State events: Requests to support Her Majesty the Queen or her representative, a member of the Royal family, a foreign sovereign, the Head of State of a foreign country, a member of a reigning foreign Imperial or Royal family, the Governor-General of Australia, the Governor-General of a Commonwealth country, or a State Governor.
  3. Government events: Requests to support the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, or Federal/State Ministers and Parliamentarians.
  4. Major commemorative events: Requests to support services led by the Department of Veteran's' Affairs and the Australian War Memorial.
  5. Community requested support: Requests to support commemorative events submitted by organisations within the community, including veterans' groups and schools.