Woomera Prohibited Area Coordination Office

The WPA Coordination Office (WPACO) within the Department of Defence is responsible for regulating and administering all aspects of non-defence access to the WPA under Defence's legislative and policy frameworks.

Delegations are also held to administer permissions granted under the Defence Act 1903 and Defence Force Regulations 1952.

Contact WPACO 

Email: wpaco@defence.gov.au

Call: 1300 727 420

Mail: WPA Coordination Office

Department of Defence

PO Box 7901

Canberra BC ACT 2610

Contact the Woomera Test Range

Email woomera.enquiries@defence.gov.au for tourist, opal mining and government access permit applications

Call: Air Force Test Ranges Squadron,        1300 WPA DEL (1300 972 335). For Woomera Test Range information, press 1. 

Mail: Woomera Test Range

PO Box 157

Woomera SA 5720