15 August 2024
Corporal Lianne Salerno loves working with animals.
She’s worked as a zoo keeper, veterinary nurse, TAFE teacher, welfare inspector and investigator, and an animal care coordinator at a veterinary science campus.
When Corporal Salerno joined the Army 10 years ago she had almost 20 years’ experience working with animals.
“I really enjoyed the welfare inspector roles as they allowed me to hold people to the same standards that I hold myself to,” Corporal Salerno said, “but I still love clinical work as it helps me keep up with the latest standards in veterinary care.”
She enlisted in the Army Reserve as a combat medical attendant in 2014, and while Army has no formal employment category for soldiers to work with animals, Corporal Salerno’s civilian veterinary technician qualifications and skills were formally recognised by Army in 2017.
She put her skills to use with Army on her fourth Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program (AACAP) deployment last month, working alongside a veterinarian.
“I would rather treat animals than treat humans, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be working with animals in the Army,” Corporal Salerno said.
“I’ve been really fortunate in that way.”
Returning home to Hobart after the two-week deployment, Corporal Salerno reflected on her time in the remote Indigenous community of Amata in north-west South Australia.
'Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be working with animals in the Army.'
Corporal Salerno worked with Army veterinary officer Captain Naia Knight and a veterinary team from AMRRIC (Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities).
AACAP improves the wellbeing and lifestyles of remote Indigenous communities, including through the delivery of veterinary care programs for companion animals.
During AACAP 2024, the Army and AMRRIC veterinary teams de-sexed 67 companion animals and treated more than 250 dogs and cats from the Amata community.
“The dogs are pretty well looked after in Amata,” Corporal Salerno said.
“I think there was a little bit of trepidation when the community knew Army was coming because it was the first time that surgical de-sexing had been made available to the community.
“It’s a much more reliable way of managing a population and reduces the risk of health problems associated with breeding.”
Corporal Salerno still regards Operation Bushfire Assist as her most defining experience in Defence.
Working long days over a six-week period on Kangaroo Island during Operation Bushfire Assist in early 2020, Corporal Salerno said the operation was mentally and physically challenging.
“We were mainly treating koalas,” Corporal Salerno said.
“Some had quite obvious significant burns while some injuries were not so obvious, such as injuries from smoke inhalation or secondary injuries.
“There were no rest days and it was all just go, go, go, but I’d do it all over again.”
With five dogs of her own at home, Corporal Salerno is grateful for the support of her daughter in taking care of them when she’s deployed.
“I love people and helping people,” Corporal Salerno said, “but the exercises and operations involving animals have been the most exciting.”