NSW Health leaders tour ship medical facilities

11 April 2024

A group of senior medical administrators and specialists from five major NSW hospitals recently participated in an insightful clinical tour on board HMAS Adelaide

The unique visit, led by the Maritime Operational Health Unit (MOHU), offered health leaders an inside look into the advanced medical facilities supporting Navy personnel, and highlighted the strong collaborative partnerships between military medical teams and NSW Health. 

Officer in charge MOHU Commander Steven Grosser said the tour was organised to give Navy’s civilian colleagues a first-hand view into the complex medical operations conducted at sea. 

"Maintaining our life-saving skills requires ongoing training and support from specialists across NSW. This was an opportunity to say thank you," he said.  

The clinical tour highlighted some of the key capabilities that enable Navy medics and nurses to deliver critical care even in extreme offshore environments. 

Attendees witnessed the multi-purpose design of the deck triage area, main medical bay and primary casualty reception facility equipped for major trauma response. 

They also gained insight into the full patient journey – from initial emergency reception to resuscitation, surgery, intensive care and recovery. 

At the conclusion of the tour, Commander Grosser presented a video of recent simulation training exercises, offering perspective into the quick decision-making skills required of medical teams operating at sea. 

Clinical Educator Severe Burn Injury Unit Jean Edge said it was an eye-opening experience.

“It was amazing and very helpful to see what you do and the conditions you work in,” she said.

Nurse Unit Manager Maryanne Howell echoed that statement. 

“It was really informative to see how you are able to run a service on board and how we can help by supporting the military staff that come through the operating theatres in Royal North Shore Hospital,” she said.

With the in-depth tour complete, attendees expressed renewed appreciation for their Navy counterparts. 

Visit Liaison Officer and Resus Team Leader Lieutenant Commander Nicole Klein-Essink hoped the visit reinforced the importance of ongoing skills development through hospital rotations for deployed medical personnel.

“This unique collaboration between Navy units and NSW Health continues to save lives both on land and at sea,” Lieutenant Commander Klein-Essink said.


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