Air Force squadron celebrates new chapter

8 April 2024

As Air Force’s 9 Squadron gears up to introduce the MQ-4C Triton this year, anticipation mounted for the reactivation of the Squadron’s Standard.

Also known as Squadron Colours, a Squadron Standard is a ceremonial flag awarded by order of the Sovereign for 25 years of service by operational, combat support, intelligence or battlespace control squadrons and units.

9 Squadron’s Standard was ceremoniously reactivated on March 28 at RAAF Base Point Cook in Victoria. This ceremony not only heralded the squadron’s revival but also signified a new chapter of its heritage and identity.

Commanding Officer 9 Squadron Wing Commander Lawry Benier said Squadron Standards have always been important for military units as an outward sign of unity, loyalty and achievement.

“This ceremony is a key step in the reactivation of our squadron, recognising its heritage and inspiring us toward our own unique mission as part of today’s integrated force,” he said.

The reactivation involved the 9 Squadron Standard ceremoniously transferred from the RAAF Museum, laid at the Holy Trinity Chapel at Point Cook, to the custody of the newly reformed unit. 

“9 Squadron can now honour and reflect upon the deeds of those that have come before,” Wing Commander Benier said.

“We remain inspired by the motto, Videmus nec Videmur; indeed, to see without being seen will remain core to not only 9 Squadron’s mission but also our character.”

Boasting a storied history of valour and service, 9 Squadron was established amidst World War 2 and the Vietnam War. Originally formed in 1939 as a maritime reconnaissance squadron, it now prepares to reintegrate into active duty.

Harnessing the transformative potential of the MQ-4C Triton in safeguarding Australia’s maritime interests, Association Patron and former Commanding Officer of 9 Squadron, Air Chief Marshal (retd) Sir Angus Houston, expressed his pride in the squadron’s re-establishment.

“This represents an impressive advancement for Australia and its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability. The fleet will support a broad range of activities, integrated into our force structure,” he said.

The reactivation ceremony serves as a reminder of 9 Squadron’s enduring legacy and dedication to service. 

“The aviators of 9 Squadron will now proudly take our Squadron Standard to its new home at RAAF Base Edinburgh,” Wing Commander Benier said.



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