More challenges likely after handover

25 January 2024

Having seen her predecessor lead the ADF health community through bushfires and a pandemic over the past four years, the new head of Joint Health Command (JHC) is aware of what challenges could lie ahead and is confident her people are capable of meeting them.

Rear Admiral Sonya Bennett, who was previously Deputy Chief Medical Officer in the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care and Director General Navy Health Reserves, took over as Surgeon General ADF (SGADF) and Commander Joint Health (CJHLTH) in December, and said she was looking forward to a productive and rewarding role.

“With the current geopolitical situation, responding to the Defence Strategic Review and the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, and continuing to maintain and improve delivery of our health services to support Defence personnel, we will continue to be challenged and more will be asked of us, as we should ask more of ourselves,” Rear Admiral Bennett said.

“Under the Chief of Personnel’s leadership, with the Defence health senior leadership group in place, and through our commitment to support each other, I have absolute confidence that JHC and the broader Defence Health System is up to the challenge.”

She thanked her predecessor, Rear Admiral Sarah Sharkey, for her generous advice and comprehensive handover.

Rear Admiral Sharkey said leading JHC and the ADF health community through bushfires, a Royal Commission and a once-in-a-generation pandemic had been the greatest privilege of her professional life.

“Much has been asked of, and delivered by, JHC and Defence health services. The highlight for me is the privilege of witnessing firsthand the depth of commitment, talent and skills that our health teams can bring to any task,” Rear Admiral Sharkey said.

“This team – JHC and the ADF health community – have been tireless, agile, energetic, innovative, expert, diligent, determined, collaborative, generous and resilient. You have done everything that has been asked of you and more. I am deeply grateful for it all.

“There is much for you all to do across the Defence health system over the coming years. The Defence Strategic Review has established that challenge – to establish a health network that is able to deliver persistent support and sustainment for operations. The past four years have proved this team can and will deliver what it must.”

Chief of Personnel Lieutenant General Natasha Fox praised Rear Admiral Sharkey’s leadership through unprecedented crises over the tenure of her command, domestically, regionally and globally.

“Rear Admiral Sharkey has demonstrated considerable resilience, leadership and has earnt the respect of all those within the command,” Lieutenant General Fox said.

Lieutenant General Fox also expressed confidence in the future stewardship of Rear Admiral Bennett.

“Rear Admiral Bennett brings immense knowledge and experience working across government agencies and in public health. I am certain JHC will benefit from her leadership over the tenure of her Command,” Lieutenant General Fox said.

Newly appointed Deputy Surgeon General ADF Brigadier Isaac Seidl praised Rear Admiral Sharkey’s tenure throughout the many challenges of the past four years.

“Under Rear Admiral Sharkey’s excellent leadership, JHC has exceeded its potential,” Brigadier Seidl said.

“Her tenure proves Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop’s adage, ‘I have a conviction that it’s only when you are put at full stretch that you can realise your full potential’.”

Brigadier Seidl said he hoped this sentiment would inspire JHC personnel, as it had inspired him.



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