Ancient artefacts on display at RAAF base

16 November 2020

Traditional Indigenous artefacts were on display at RAAF Base Williamtown to celebrate NAIDOC Week.

Air Force Indigenous Liaison Officer Flight Lieutenant Matthew Roberts coordinated the three-day educational and interactive display for base personnel.

The display provided a unique insight into Indigenous culture, with traditional weapons, tools and artefacts on show.

“I believe NAIDOC Week provides a great opportunity to showcase our culture,” Flight Lieutenant Roberts said. 

“Displaying the spears, boomerangs, nulla nullas, coolamons, weaved baskets and more with the traditional language of the Worimi people has been important.  

“The inclusion of the Gathang language, with the phonetic version added, has been a topic of great interest and has assisted in educating our local base personnel in the culture of the Worimi community.”

RAAF Base Williamtown is located on the traditional land of the Worimi people.

The NAIDOC Week display was held in the Len Waters Precinct.

The precinct was recently named after the only known RAAF Indigenous fighter pilot of World War II, Leonard ‘Len’ Waters. 



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