STEM Cadetship

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) cadets can bring their unique skills and experience to make a mark in a world of opportunity at Defence. No matter the specialisation, a STEM cadet’s contribution leaves an imprint at Defence that is uniquely theirs.

The Defence STEM Cadetship program offers cadets a head-start in their careers. Cadets can play a part in keeping Australia safe and secure while completing their tertiary studies.

The program is an entry-level employment pathway for high-performing undergraduate students currently studying a relevant STEM degree.

Cadets are supervised and trained by Australia’s brightest and most innovative specialists at the forefront of international defence capability and research. They also get access to cutting-edge technology and capability, unlike any other organisation.

The STEM Cadetship experience

STEM cadets will:

  • work across Defence to provide scientific advice and/or develop technologies relevant to university studies
  • provide scientific and technical support to current defence operations and military capability platforms
  • explore future technologies for defence and national security applications
  • develop new defence and national security capabilities. This may include:
    • intelligence
    • reconnaissance
    • surveillance
    • communication
    • weapon platform
    • cyber security
    • ballistic
    • aircraft
    • guidance
    • war fighter
    • mechatronic technologies.
  • enhance existing capabilities by increasing performance and safety and reducing the cost of ownership of Defence assets
  • support collaborative relationships with government agencies to strengthen national security
  • assist and engage with industry to better support Defence capability needs.

Read about the wide range of work in the STEM Cadetship disciplines.

The program offers positions in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth and Sydney. Defence will provide relocation assistance for the duration of work placements if required. This includes all travel costs and accommodation.

Eligibility requirements

The STEM Cadetship Program is open to Australian university students who:

  • Are an Australian citizen
  • Are completing a minimum Bachelor degree (Australian Qualifications Framework Level 7) between the end of Semester 2, 2026 and the end of Semester 2, 2028.
  • Have at least 12 months’ full-time tertiary study remaining at the time of commencing the Cadetship Program.
  • Have successfully completed at least 12 months’ full-time tertiary study of a relevant STEM degree before starting the Cadetship.

To be considered for a STEM Cadetship with Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), you must be eligible for and agree to complete a STEM Honours/Masters degree as part of the program.

Security clearance

Defence requires successful candidates to be able to obtain some level of security clearance. This may include a variety of background checks. The process is explained in detail on the Australian Government Security Vetting Agency website.


Competitive salary and benefits

STEM cadets will receive:

  • ongoing (part-time) APS employment with the Department of Defence.
  • a minimum annual salary of $39,251.52 plus 15.4% superannuation, increasing to $41,397.84 per annum from 12 March 2026 in accordance with the Defence Enterprise Collective Agreement – 2024.

Cadets are required to complete a minimum of 60 work placement days for each year they are on the program.

Flexible work arrangements

Cadets’ agreed work days are flexible and negotiated with their work area. This is based on the cadet’s individual and the work area’s requirements. The pattern of hours can also be adjusted to suit their university study. Cadets will have 12 months to complete their minimum 60 work placement days.

Application process

Defence recruits staff based on merit. This means that the best person for the job is selected from a range of applicants.

The recruitment team will:

  • use tools and techniques (such as written applications, interviews and/or work sample tests) to collect evidence
  • compare and weigh up the skills, experience and abilities of each applicant
  • make a merit-based decision.

How to apply

To apply for the STEM cadetship, applicants need to complete the following actions.

  • Read the eligibility requirements and download the job information pack.
  • Complete an online application and attach a current resume/CV. Resumes/CVs must showcase skills and experience relevant to the Defence STEM Cadetship disciplines.
  • Select the area of interest / STEM discipline:
    • Computer Systems and Cyber Security
    • Engineering
    • Information Technology
    • Intelligence
    • Mathematics and Data Science
    • Photography / Imaging
    • Research
    • Sciences.

Important Information: The work undertaken by STEM Cadets provides a valuable contribution to Defence priorities. Defence where possible, will ensure candidates are assessed against the area of interest or the STEM discipline applied for.

While on the STEM Cadetship program, participants will undertake work at the Australian Public Service (APS) Cadet Level and is designed as an administrative/support function.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will have the opportunity to progress to an APS Level 4.

Key dates

The key dates for the 2026 STEM Cadetship Program are provided as follows: 

  • 24 February 2025: Applications open
  • 9 April 2025: Applications close
  • Late-August to mid-October: Program offers
  • February 2026: Program commencement.

Shortlisting key dates:

  • 28 April to 4 May 2025: Online written activity
  • 16 May 2025: Assessment outcome
  • 26 May to 6 June 2025: Group Assessment (hybrid delivery of face-to-face and online sessions)
  • 11 June 2025: Assessment outcome
  • 30 June to 11 July 2025: Interviews
  • Within 1 week of interview: Reference checks.

Note applicants selecting Intelligence may need to complete extra suitability assessments. This may extend the time period before successful applicants are notified.

Next steps

  • Candidates who advance to the next stage will be invited to participate in a series of assessments.
  • The Recruitment team will develop merit pools and successful candidates will be offered a STEM Cadetship role.
  • All offers will be made between August to October 2025. Defence will call successful candidates to check if they’re still interested in the position. With verbal confirmation from the candidate, Defence will send a formal written letter of offer.
  • All unsuccessful candidates will be notified via email shortly after.