Defence Legal Division is responsible for the provision of legal advice and other legal services to the Australian Defence Force (ADF), the Minister of Defence, and the Department of Defence.

Defence Legal Division contributes both in peacetime and during ongoing operations. Defence Legal is an in-house corporate service that is essential for the effectiveness of the ADF and prudent to management and administration of Defence.

A primary focus of Defence legal work is on operations law, including humanitarian law. Other key fields of focus, particularly in peacetime, include administrative law and discipline laws together with international agreements and arrangements, and legal advice on a range of matters.

Collectively, these areas are critical to the operation of the ADF, distinct from ADF operations. Defence Legal's approach is either proactive or in direct response to clients' requests.


Legal roles and opportunities include:

  • Privacy, work health and safety and data law
  • Legislation support
  • Commercial legal services
  • Dispute resolution and litigation legal services
  • Military legal services
  • Employment law
  • Operations and international law
  • International government agreements and arrangements
  • Military Administrative and Discipline law
  • Administrative, regulatory and security law
  • Informed purchasing of external legal services
  • Paralegal services
  • Secretariat support to Defence Honours and Awards Tribunal.