The Geospatial Goods and Services Panel (GeoPanel) is a Standing Offer Panel (SON3849706) for the provision of geospatial related services, products and relevant emerging geospatial technologies. It was established in 2022 for an initial 5 year term and includes 2 extension options for 12 months.
The GeoPanel consists of 5 primary geospatial categories and a number of sub-categories as follows:
- imagery and elevation collection and/or supply of data
- human geography data
- data and map production
- hydrographic services
- geospatial professional services.
The GeoPanel is managed by the Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation (AGO) and is available to the Australian Defence Organisation and Defence portfolio agencies. For Commonwealth entities seeking to procure geospatial data, please refer to the contact on this page to enquire whether Defence can assist.
GeoPanel Deed of Standing Offer (PDF, 6.39 MB)
Information on contracts entered into under the GeoPanel is publicly available through the AusTender reporting functions.
Service provider opportunities
The GeoPanel may be refreshed from time to time at the Commonwealth’s discretion. AGO is intending to refresh some of the GeoPanel categories during the 2024/25 financial year. Refresh opportunities will be advertised through AusTender and businesses can register with AusTender to receive notification of these opportunities when they are released.
The GeoPanel has been established under a common deed of standing offer entered into between the Commonwealth and each of the Panellists.