Panel Agreement
The Defence Infrastructure Panel (DIP) Panel Agreement sets out the basis of the relationship between the Commonwealth and each consultant who is a member of this panel.
The template Panel Agreement (reflecting a proposed amendment agreement circulated to Panel Consultants for signature in September 2023) can be referenced here, noting that the signed version with each consultant is not provided.
DIP Panel Agreement template (DOC, 2.2 MB)
Terms of Engagement
The Terms of Engagement defines the contractual obligations under each engagement and form the basis for governing the specific legal relationship between the contracting parties.
The Terms of Engagement available below reflect a proposed amendment agreement circulated to Panel Consultants for signature in September 2023. For the current version of the Contract Particulars under the relevant Terms of Engagement, users should refer to the applicable template Request for Proposal available on the Defence Website.
All Panel Consultants accept the Terms of Engagement without reservation. No departure from the standard terms is acceptable.
For other Government Agencies who use the Panel please note that you cannot substitute your own contract considerations to replace the Panel Terms of Engagement. The Panel Terms of Engagement can however be tailored for your project. It is also allowable for special conditions to be developed but you cannot replace the Panel Terms of Engagement in totality.
DIP Section 4A Terms of Engagement (DOCX, 235.86 KB)
DIP Section 4B Terms of Engagement (PMCA) (DOC, 975 KB)
Engagement processes
DIP scope of services and associated consultants can be referenced on the Who to engage and Scope of services page. Once the service and consultant have been identified, one of these sourcing processes below must be followed.