The Defence Global Competitiveness Grants program provides up to AUD$4.1 million per annum until 2029 to build the export capability of Australian small to medium enterprises (less than 200 employees). The program is managed by the Australian Defence Export Office and grants are administered by the Office of Defence Industry Capability (ODIS).

Grant applications can be viewed on the ODIS website.

The Australian Government has established a USD$3 billion (approximately AUD$4.2 billion) Defence Export Facility, administered by Export Finance Australia, to support Australian defence exports. The Australian Defence Export Office helps to manage Defence Export Facility loans.

For information about accessing Export Finance Australia loans, visit Export Finance Australia Defence Export Facility.

The Australian Defence Export Advocate undertakes high-level advocacy on behalf of Australian defence industry and advises the Australian Defence Export Office in developing and delivering strategic export campaigns. This is in addition to the existing military senior reservist personnel already used for export advocacy during missions and trade shows. The Australian Defence Export Advocate also chairs the Defence Export Forum.

For more information about the Defence Export Advocate, including invitations for the advocate to attend conferences or engagements, please contact the Australian Defence Export Office.

Dedicated Business Development Managers are being recruited, in conjunction with Austrade, to support Australian defence industry in international markets. Business Development Managers will target key markets, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore and Japan.

The Australian Defence Export Office delivers the Defence Export Forum, which coordinates export advocacy efforts across all levels of government and included industry groups.

The Policy and Engagement team are responsible for the Australian Defence Export Office’s market intelligence function, which will help government and industry to better plan and target their future export activities. This function draws upon insights from industry, defence market databases and Australia’s overseas networks of Defence Attachés and Business Development Managers.

The ODIS and Austrade also provide industry development and export advisory and facilitation services.

Austrade provides advice to Australian companies to grow internationally and achieve export success:

  • Austrade’s Export Market Development Grants encourage small and medium-sized Australian enterprises to develop export markets and increase international marketing and promotion.

Contact Austrade for more information.

Companies can also speak with a defence industry adviser from ODIS to determine the most appropriate organisation to provide initial assistance.

The Global Supply Chain Program involves working with multinational defence companies, or ‘primes,’ to identify opportunities for Australian companies within their international supply chains.

This allows small and medium enterprises to access markets and opportunities that they would not otherwise have been able to.

The Office of Defence Industry Support manages the Global Supply Chain Program on behalf of Defence and has oversight of the 8 prime contractors involved in the program.