Defence Unexploded Ordnance Management Manual

The Defence Unexploded Ordnance Management Manual (DUXOMM) detail Defence’s approach to UXO risk management.

It outlines detailed roles and responsibilities, guidance, standards, procedures and processes in which Defence personnel and authorised external service providers will undertake UXO and explosive ordnance materiel (EOM) management activities on the Defence estate and off the Defence estate on Defence’s behalf.

DUXOMM assists Defence personnel and its external services providers to comply with Australia’s international obligations and specific legislative requirements in relation to UXO as well as applicable Commonwealth and Defence policies and strategies. It been developed cognisant of existing work health and safety laws and environmental laws and does not replace or remove any of those specific obligations.


Defence Unexploded Ordnance Management Manual (PDF, 2.32 MB)



Last updated

30 September 2024


