Defence acquires its goods and services through standard Commonwealth procurement arrangements, such as tenders, standing offers and procurement panels. All of these are broadcast on AusTender.

To find the right opportunity for your business you need to understand where your products and services fit into Defence procurements.

The Defence Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) documents are an excellent source of information for businesses looking to understand upcoming business opportunities. Planned procurement opportunities valued over $1 million are published in the Defence Annual Procurement Plan.

Export opportunities

The Office of Defence Industry Support works in partnership with the Australian Defence Export Office to help Australian defence businesses that are looking to international markets.

You can access:

  • free, expert advice from our specialists
  • grants and financial assistance to help you export.

Our advice and assistance will be tailored to your business’s particular requirements, and may include:

  • export readiness assessments and supply chain improvement advice
  • an entry point to tradeshows and missions to key markets overseas with Team Defence Australia
  • inclusion in the Australian Defence Sales Catalogue
  • access to Austrade Business Development Managers for country specific advice
  • facilitated access to the defence multinational primes and Defence’s Global Supply Chain Program
  • advice on complying with export controls
  • market research and advice, and testing the market, before committing to export activities
  • options for financial assistance.

If your business is looking to export its defence-related products, software or technologies, you may need a permit from Defence Export Controls.
