Tapping opportunities to innovate

24 July 2020

Daronmont Technologies designs and integrates electronics, communications, radar and surveillance technologies. While it sells and supports some products directly to the ADF and overseas customers, much of its work is integrating products from multiple suppliers to build systems for Australian defence customers.

Marketing and Business Development Manager, Lee Stanley, said the company was fully committed to supporting Defence, both directly and through its partnerships with Defence prime contractors.

'We have a mixture of skills in electronic system design, software integration, communications engineering and signal processing. Our mechanical engineers design high-end C4I cabins for deployment in harsh operational environments,' Mr Stanley said.

'Our signature project to date is the work we’ve done with Air Force to refurbish and continue to evolve its deployable air defence system. Air Force and CASG have been great to work with – we’ve implemented a number of upgrades to the capability since 2011 and Air Force has allowed us to do a lot of innovative design under the support contract.'

Other projects of significance include a situational awareness system for the Collins submarine that the company successfully exported to New Zealand and Canada, and work with Raytheon to build a mobile command and control system for the Woomera Test Range.

'We’re also excited to be conducting research with Defence Science and Technology Group into surveillance technology. We hope to commercialise that research and realise it into an operational technology with the help of Defence Innovation Hub funding,' Mr Stanley said.

The Defence Innovation Hub is part of the Australian Government’s investment in the Australian defence industry, with a focus on stronger, more strategic partnerships and closer alignment between industry investment and Defence capability needs.

'The Centre for Defence Industry Capability has been a hugely positive experience. When they kicked off last year and the Innovation Hub structure was announced, we saw a real opportunity.'

'From that moment we’ve been working hand in glove with a defence business adviser from the CDIC who has helped us through the whole process from proposal submission to funding.'

'The advisers are absolutely first-rate. They’ve taken the time to understand our business, so they’ve been able to connect us with other companies doing complementary work and help us tap into universities with the skill sets we need for our projects.'

The CDIC provides a straightforward way for companies like Daronmont to access programs like the Defence Innovation Hub and Team Defence Australia.

'Team Defence Australia is supporting us attending trade missions to the US and SE Asia to help us assess export opportunities.'

'We can see a genuine pathway from the work of the CDIC to tangible projects that we can deliver for Defence. From our perspective, the CDIC been one of the best initiatives the Government has taken for industry,' Mr Stanley said.