Expert advice on the treatment of medals can be obtained from qualified sources such as jewellers or professional medal mounters.

Storing medals

Medals should be stored in a clean and dry area such as a box made of hoop pine plywood or acid-free cardboard. Unmounted medals should be individually wrapped in acid-free tissue paper or, undyed soft cotton or linen to prevent them from touching and possibly scratching.

Medals should be kept away from extreme temperature, humidity and light. Damp conditions may cause the metal of medals to corrode, and the ribbon fabric to rot. High temperatures in a very dry environment, and light damage can fade the ribbon fabric and cause them to become brittle and weak.

Regularly check stored medals to minimise potential damage from pest infestation.

If medals are to be worn, it is best they are properly mounted. ‘Court mounting’ is the preferred style as medals are fixed so that they do not swing freely to hit each other and possibly chip. This service is available through professional medal dealers/mounters. These can be found through an online search, or a local RSL may be able to advise where this can be done.

Replica medals may be purchased to be worn or displayed, while original medals are safely stored.

Handling and cleaning medals

Acid from hands can tarnish medals and degrade the ribbon fabric. Where possible, reduce handling medals or consider wearing soft cotton gloves when doing so.

Cleaning medals should only be done when necessary as the process may damage the sharpness of the design, or remove metal from the surface. The medal may require cleaning before placing it into storage.

Wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area as some chemicals used for cleaning may cause irritation. Safety instructions should be read prior to use. Chemicals should be tested on a small area of the medal first before cleaning the whole medal. Care should be taken not to damage the ribbon fabric during the cleaning process.

A non-acidic cleaner or a damp cloth are recommended to clean most medals. A non-abrasive pencil eraser is also an option for cleaning up marks on medals. Medals that have a silver appearance can be cleaned by using a silver polishing cloth if required.

To polish medals, use polishing solutions or foam designed for use on silver or plate. Ensure the solution contains no silicon.

Cleaning medal ribbons

Do not wash the ribbon fabric as the dyes (especially from older or silk ribbons) may run or bleed.

Do not iron the ribbon fabric. Instead, try flattening the ribbon fabric by placing it between layers of blotting paper or undyed fabric and placing some map weights or heavy books on top.

Medal ribbon fabric can be cleaned gently with a soft toothbrush and vacuum cleaner. Use the smallest nozzle and cover it with a piece of open-weave fabric, such as net curtain or gauze bandage. Set the cleaner to its lowest suction level and gently vacuum the ribbon fabric, using the soft toothbrush to loosen ingrained dirt.

If the ribbon fabric requires further cleaning, or is badly deteriorated and needs to be replaced, a medal dealer/mounter will be able to assist. Medals dealers/mounters are listed in the Yellow Pages and in online search directories.