Infantry Combat Badge

The Infantry Combat Badge (ICB) is awarded to a serving member of the Australian Army for service as an infantryman in warlike operations.

The badge was first established in July 1970 to recognise this unique role and the particular training, skills and hardships attendant upon service as an infantryman. The role of the infantry is to seek out and be close with the enemy, to kill or capture him, to seize and to hold ground, to repel attack, by night and day, regardless of season, weather or terrain.

The ICB is only awarded for operational service commencing from the Korean War.


Australian Army personnel who have deployed as part of an infantry battalion for at least 90 days satisfactory service in an operational area are eligible to wear the badge. The recipient does not need to have personally engaged in combat but does need to have been part of an Infantry Unit deployed on warlike operations, including the Korean war.

How to apply

Infantry Battalion Commanding Officers of deployed operational units are authorised to approve the award of the ICB for Infantry Corps members of the Unit. All other approvals can only be authorised by the Head of Corps, Royal Australian Infantry Corps.

In retrospective cases, it is the applicant's responsibility to provide all necessary documentation, including obtaining recommendation from the Commanding Officer or appropriate senior person at the time. Inadequate/insufficient documentation, including failure of Army records to correctly record a member's operational service, will result in the award being not approved.

Applications for the ICB can be sent electronically to

Once approved eligible serving members are issued two badges, eligible ex-members are provided one badge. Replacements may be purchased from the Royal Australian Infantry Corps Shop at Singleton or most militaria shops. Some type of confirmatory entitlement may have to be provided at time of purchase. Further information about the eligibility, exceptional circumstances, and other information regarding the ICB can be found in the document below.

Army Standing Instruction (Personnel) Part 11, Chapter 4 (PDF, 83.31 KB)
