Joint Capabilities Group

Joint Capabilities Group (JCG) is a multi-domain Group comprising of Space, Cyber and the Defence Networks, while delivering Strategic Military Effects and Logistics for the Defence Enterprise.

JCG’s mission is to generate and deliver Space and Cyber Power, Information Operations and Logistics capabilities, in order to enable the integrated force in competition and conflict.

Functional commands

Cyber Command

On 25 March 2024, Cyber Command (CYBERCOMD) was activated, transitioning from what was formerly known as Cyber Warfare Division. The vision of CYBERCOMD is ADF dominance of the Cyber Domain.

Defence SIGINT and Cyber Command

Defence SIGINT and Cyber Command (DSCC) is responsible for ADF signals intelligence and cyber to support Defence capability and ADF operations.

Space Command

Space Command (SPACECOMD) was established in January 2022 to deliver the transformational change needed across Defence to consolidate space capabilities and operations. SPACECOMD’s move to Joint Capabilities Group on 1 July 2023, is the first step towards a genuine service-like space capability for the ADF.

Cyber Operations Division

Cyber Operations Division (COD) is responsible for the integration, operation, management and security of Defence's global strategic communications capability that enable military operations and support Defence business. COD is also responsible at the strategic level to the Chief of Defence Force and Chief of Joint Operations for advice and technical control for the Command, Control, Communications and Cyber security in support of ADF Operations.

Space and Cyber Capabilities Division

The vision of Space and Cyber Capabilities Division (SCCD) is for foundational capabilities for Joint warfighting. The SCCD mission is to provide timely and effective delivery of integrated capability in order to enable ADF Joint Force interoperability and effects.

Joint Logistics Command

The Joint Logistics Command mission is to lead the coordinated delivery of effective and efficient logistics to enable Defence to train, fight and win. Commander Joint Logistics commands the ADF logistics information systems, the logistics network of warehouses, maintenance, distribution facilities, and is the Head of the Defence fuel supply chain.

Military Strategic Effects Branch

The Military Strategic Effects Branch provides support to the operational and strategic levels through preparation of strategic information activities and strategic targeting support. This enables management of strategic and reputational issues in order for Defence Senior Leaders to appropriately engage with government, other agencies, allies, coalition partners and also the Australian and international communities.