Defence Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2028

The Defence Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2028 provides support to the Defence mission by enabling a capable, resilient and sustainable workforce.

The strategy is to change the work health and safety (WHS) approach from a hazard-based and reactive focus to one more capable of adapting to the complex and uncertain environments which Defence faces.

The strategy sets the direction for the organisation to achieve the Defence vision and identifies areas in which to focus efforts. The strategy's overarching goal is to make safety systems simpler and to drive down incidents.

The following 5 key principles will guide how the strategy should be implemented.

  • Structured flexibility
  • Context
  • Lessons learned
  • Advanced expertise
  • Strategic foresight.

Following a comprehensive review of Defence strategic plans, position papers, and supporting documentation, 4 pillars were identified for the WHS strategy framework.

  • Leadership and culture
  • People
  • Structures
  • Systems.

This framework aligns to enable and support the mission and purpose of the 2023-27 Defence Corporate Plan.

The strategy will be supported by an implementation plan, which will evaluate the success of the strategy.


Defence Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023-2028 (PDF, 2.52 MB)