Reforming Defence Legislation


Defence legislation provides legal authority for activities critical to the military defence of Australia. To meet the needs of the future strategic environment, this legislation may require reform.

On March 9, 2023, the Honorable Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Assistant Minister for Defence, announced a call for public submissions regarding the reform of Defence legislation.

The consultation period was from Thursday 9 March to Friday 21 April 2023. Submissions have now closed.

Defence has reviewed the submissions, and an analysis of the public consultation responses is now available under the resources section.


Public Consultation Paper (PDF, 559.2 KB) Reforming Defence legislation frequently asked questions (PDF, 271.69 KB) Reforming Defence Legislation Analysis of Public Consultation Responses (PDF, 5.03 MB) List of Submissions (PDF, 8.49 MB)


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