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Important information for communities around Gingin Satellite Airfield.

Investigations and findings

In November 2018, Defence completed investigations into per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination on and around Gingin Satellite Airfield.

The investigations found exposure risks to people, plants and animals were low. Refer to the Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation for more information.

Remediation and management

Defence’s management plan for responding to PFAS contamination at Gingin Satellite Airfield was informed by the outcomes of the investigations. The management plan did not recommend treating or removing PFAS from the area. This approach reflects the low risk identified during the investigations.

Ongoing monitoring

Monitoring of PFAS continues through sampling of groundwater at Gingin Satellite Airfield. Monitoring helps Defence understand if PFAS contamination is changing over time.

Results are published in an Ongoing Monitoring Interpretive Report and factsheet. Defence will inform the community if changes to the management approach are required.

Recent reports and factsheets

Detailed reports from the PFAS investigation and management program are available to download. To discuss these reports contact

Document archive

The document archive contains links to information that Defence has published since 2017. This includes:

  • older community presentations,
  • investigation reports,
  • risk assessments and
  • factsheets.

Some archive information has been superseded by the recent reports and factsheets.

Documents Archive - Gingin (PDF, 216.21 KB)

Last review: 28 June 2023