About the base
RAAF Base Tindal is home to 17 Squadron, 2 Squadron Detachment, 452 Squadron Tindal Flight, Joint Health Unit, 2 Expeditionary Health Squadron Detachment, NORFORCE, and Joint Military Police Unit Darwin – Tindal Detachment. 87SQN also have personnel located here. The SADFO and BM remit covers Delamere Air Weapons Range which is under the management of AFTRSQN.
No. 75 Squadron (81 Wing, Air Combat Group) also call RAAF Base Tindal home with their fleet of Australian F-35A Lightning-II (Joint Strike Fighters).
RAAF Base Tindal is an operational military base with security rules, regulations and emergency procedures that are unique to the military environment.
RAAF Base Tindal’s general access is via the Main Gate, Carson Drive open 24/7. All heavy vehicle access is via the Western Access Gate, Tarakan Road open between 6:00 am - 6:00 pm.
Access to the base requires one of the following forms of identification available from the RAAF Base Tindal Pass Office:
• Defence Common Access Card (DCAC)
• Visitor Identification Card (VIC)
• Temporary Access Paper Pass (TAPP)
To access RAAF Base Tindal, a series of inductions will be required to be completed:
• National Base Induction – undertaken online (compulsory) OR RAAF Base Tindal ‘Induction for Visitors and Contractors’ - undertaken in person (compulsory)
• Unit Induction – undertaken in person (where required)
To complete ‘Induction for Visitors and Contractors’, please attend RAAF Base Tindal Pass Office, Main Gate, Carson Drive to complete Tindal site specific induction for all visitors and contractors.
RAAF Base Tindal Pass Office
Main Gate: Carson Drive
Issuing of DCAC: Monday - Friday – 9:00 am- 3:00 pm
Issuing of TAPP & VIC: 24/7
Phone: (08) 7978 2134
Email: wilsonsecurity.tindal@defence.gov.au
Road rules
Speed limit is 40km/h throughout the base unless otherwise signposted and not to exceed 10km/h when overtaking formed military members.
Hazard Name |
Location |
Description |
Airfield | Identified by security fencing, signs, markings and or lights which indicate you are about to enter airside. | Remain clear of airside areas. Proceeding airside requires an operational requirement, authorisation from Air Traffic Control, completion of airside training course & escorted by an authorised Defence member. |
Sirens will communicate information about the base security status and procedures. In the event you hear any of the following emergency warning tones, stop what you are doing immediately and follow the direction of your escort or ECO Warden. In the absence of direction, follow the procedures below and those detailed in the following pages of the National Base Induction.
Status |
Sounds |
Procedure |
Alert |
‘beep, beep, beep’ tone + ‘alert alert alert’ voice command |
Prepare to receive direction and maintain awareness. |
Evacuation |
‘whoop, whoop, whoop’ tone + ‘evacuate, evacuate, evacuate’ voice command |
Exit building and assemble at predetermined assembly area. Remain at assembly area and await further direction. |
Lockdown |
Rapid short ‘beeping’ tone + ‘lockdown, lockdown, lockdown’ voice command |
Follow the CLOSE procedure.
Stand down |
Low-pitched ‘buzzing’ tone + ‘stand-down, stand-down, stand-down’ voice command |
Resume normal activities. |
Call 000 for life threatening, critical or serious situations.
Fire: 0409 948 761
Medical: 0409 708 738