Porton Barracks

About the base

Home of the headquarters of 51st Battalion, The Far North Queensland Regiment (FNQR), covering far North Queensland with regional depots from Cairns to Thursday Island. Tasked with the responsibility to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance across Australia's far north​.


Visitors must have a valid National Base Induction certificate (expires every 12 months). Before completing the NBI, read the Porton Barracks visitor site induction brief (PDF, 1.03 MB).

For a visitor pass please refer to the HMAS Cairns Base page under 'Access' for details on the pass office location, opening times and requirements.

Vehicle access for parking on the base is restricted to Defence vehicles and Defence common access card holders.

Visiting hours

6:00 am to 6:00 pm 7 days per week

Extended hours:

  • Mondays 6:00 am to 10:00 pm
  • Tuesdays 6:00 am to 11:59 pm

Access outside of these hours is to be sought through the Unit Duty Officer.

Road Rules

Speed limit is 10km/h throughout the base unless otherwise signposted and not to exceed 10km/h when overtaking formed military members. 




Machinery and plant equipment

Clearly identified areas and any movement within or around these area is only to be done when accompanied by a site representative.

Sirens will communicate information about the base security status and procedures. In the event you hear any of the following emergency warning tones, stop what you are doing immediately and follow the direction of your escort or ECO Warden. In the absence of direction, follow the procedures below and those detailed in the following pages of the National Base Induction.





‘beep, beep, beep’ tone + ‘alert alert alert’ voice command

Prepare to receive direction and maintain awareness.


‘whoop, whoop, whoop’ tone + ‘evacuate, evacuate, evacuate’ voice command

Exit building and assemble at predetermined assembly area. Remain at assembly area and await further direction.


Rapid short ‘beeping’ tone + ‘lockdown, lockdown, lockdown’ voice command

Follow the CLOSE procedure.

  • Close windows, blinds, doors and turn off lights.
  • Lock computers and put documents away.
  • Out-of-sight and minimise movement.
  • Stay silent and turn off phones.
  • Endure and maintain.

Stand down

Low-pitched ‘buzzing’ tone + ‘stand-down, stand-down, stand-down’ voice command

Resume normal activities.


Call ‘000’ in the first instance.

Pass Office

07 4252 5305