HMAS Coonawarra

About the base

A vitally important Navy port given its proximity to our northern neighbours, and home to a large fleet of patrol boats.


Wharf access is restricted. You may only access the wharf with approval from Port Services.

'Gundal' at Emery Point is an Indigenous site of significance and access is prohibited. Do not access this site without authorisation.

Road rules

​Speed limit is 30km/h throughout HMAS Coonawarra unless otherwise signposted and not to exceed 10km/h when overtaking formed military members.





Where reasonably practicable, known asbestos is labelled. Do not disturb these areas. The risk of asbestos exposure increases if disturbed.

Infrastructure redevelopment

Be mindful of their surroundings and changes to traffic and pedestrian conditions at all times.

Sirens will communicate information about the base security status and procedures. In the event you hear any of the following emergency warning tones, stop what you are doing immediately and follow the direction of your escort or ECO Warden. In the absence of direction, follow the procedures below and those detailed in the following pages of the National Base Induction.





‘beep, beep, beep’ tone + ‘alert alert alert’ voice command

Prepare to receive direction and maintain awareness.


‘whoop, whoop, whoop’ tone + ‘evacuate, evacuate, evacuate’ voice command

Exit building and assemble at predetermined assembly area. Remain at assembly area and await further direction.


Rapid short ‘beeping’ tone + ‘lockdown, lockdown, lockdown’ voice command

Follow the CLOSE procedure.

  • Close windows, blinds, doors and turn off lights.
  • Lock computers and put documents away.
  • Out-of-sight and minimise movement.
  • Stay silent and turn off phones.
  • Endure and maintain.

Stand down

Low-pitched ‘buzzing’ tone + ‘stand-down, stand-down, stand-down’ voice command

Resume normal activities.

Call 000 for life threatening, critical or serious situations.

General enquiries: