Environmental compliance reports

Defence maintains an environmental assessment and approval process and procedure to meet the requirements of Commonwealth environmental legislation, including identifying and understanding potential adverse impacts of its activities.

Defence continues to conduct self-assessments under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in order to determine whether a referral to the Commonwealth Environment Minister is required.

Projects referred to the Minister for assessment and approval are listed below.

EPBC reference number Project Defence location
2023/09649 Blamey Barracks Kapooka Redevelopment Project Kapooka, NSW
2014/7123 Demolition of heritage buildings RAAF Base Amberley
2012/6430 Removal of Hammerhead Crane Garden Island, NSW
2011/6039 Demolition of four buildings Gallipoli Barracks
2011/5896 Construction of Defence training facilities Greenbank, QLD
2010/5747 Flying operations of F-35A aircraft Multiple
2010/5316 Expansion of Cultana training area Cultana, SA
2008/4410 Australian Super Hornet flying operations RAAF Base Amberley
2004/1458 Construction and operation of Urban Operations Training Facility Mount Bundey, NT